Heal Your Foot Pain with Your Own Blood – Platelet Rich Plasma!

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a procedure that optimizes a patient’s own blood to help rejuvenate areas that are causing problems.  Common problem areas include injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. At Put Your Feet First, Dr. Mark Forman draws your blood and spins the blood down to get the platelets necessary to inject it in the areas causing pain. This healing process is natural and improves any of the musculoskeletal areas.
After treatment, swelling may occur causing soreness. Some patients will feel relief after a week or two, but most feel a positive difference within a month’s time. As patients approach the 3-month mark, their pain becomes drastically less. In fact, 84% of patients feel at least a 25% reduction of pain six months post PRP treatment.
How Can You Ensure the Best Results for PRP Treatment?
  1. Eat folate-rich foods (Vitamin B9).
  2. Consume iron daily.
  3. Avoid platelet-reducing foods and beverages.
  4. Avoid smoking and drug use.
  5. Exercise daily, including plenty of cardio.
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